Mootzulea`s Journal

Vampirix diary Mary Read

13 Sep 2024

Dear Diary,

Today was a whirlwind of chaos and laughter, as usual. I started my day by pranking my scientist friend, Dr. Fangenstein, by swapping out his coffee with decaf. Oh, the look on his face when he realized he wouldn't be buzzing with caffeine all day was priceless!

After that escapade, I decided to indulge in my love for rock music by jamming out to some classic tunes in my underground lair. My pet bats, Ruffles and Fuzzball, joined in on the fun by flapping their wings to the beat – quite the sight to see!

Feeling inspired by my music session, I decided to try my hand at sculpting. I attempted to carve a miniature spaceship out of a block of marble, dreaming of the day I would finally set foot on Mars. Let's just say my spaceship turned out more like a wonky UFO, but hey, practice makes perfect, right?

In the afternoon, I decided to tend to my garden of blood-red roses. As I pruned the thorns, I couldn't help but think about how different my taste in flora was compared to other vampires. Who needs blood when you have a garden full of stress-relieving roses?

As the sun began to set, I received a call from my friend, Countess Batula, inviting me to a night flying adventure. We hopped into her sleek black airplane and took off into the starry night sky, swooping and diving through the clouds. It was pure exhilaration!

Upon landing, we decided to unwind by playing a game of astronomy-themed trivia. I proudly showed off my knowledge of the cosmos, much to Countess Batula's amusement. Who knew being a vampire could come with so much space knowledge?

Before heading to bed, I snuck into Dr. Fangenstein's lab and set up a chemistry experiment involving bubbling potions and flashing lights. I knew he would get a kick out of it when he discovered my handiwork in the morning.

As I lay in bed, surrounded by my purring cat, Mr. Whiskers, I couldn't help but feel grateful for the absurd and wonderful life I lead. Who knew a vampirix with a love for puns and pranks could find so much joy in the world?

Until next time, diary, stay weird and wonderful.

Yours mischievously,

Vampirix Mootzulea

A distant cousin of Dracula, Mootzulea grew up in the hills of Transylvania, mainly in the area of Sibiu.
He knows a lot of jokes but is very determined into battles. He is passionate about science and has a lot of scientist friends. Therefore, you will have an increased production of scientists. He dreams of going to Mars one day.

This is a real journal page from the fictional Vampirix character Mootzulea