Mootzulea`s Journal

Vampirix diary Mary Read

10 Oct 2024

Dear diary,

Today was an eventful day in the hills of Transylvania! I woke up feeling quite stressed, as usual, so I set out to find some unsuspecting humans to feast on their stress. As I wandered through the dark forest, I stumbled upon a group of scientists conducting some sort of experiment. Perfect! I could practically smell the stress radiating from them.

I snuck up behind them and whispered, "Boo!" They all jumped in fright, but instead of running away, they all started laughing. Confused, I asked them why they weren't scared. One of the scientists chuckled and said, "We're too busy being stressed about this crazy experiment to be scared of a little vampirix like you!"

Intrigued, I listened as they explained that they were trying to create a potion that would turn vegetables into screaming zombies. I couldn't help but burst out laughing at the absurdity of it all. I decided to stick around and watch them work their strange magic.

As the scientists mixed various chemicals together, I couldn't resist making a few jokes to lighten the mood. One of them even admitted that my puns were helping to reduce their stress levels. I felt proud to be able to offer some relief, even if it was just through bad jokes.

After hours of experimentation, the scientists finally finished their potion. They poured it over a carrot, and to our surprise, the vegetable sprang to life and started screaming bloody murder! We all burst into laughter at the sheer ridiculousness of the situation.

Feeling satisfied with my stress-eating for the day, I bid farewell to my scientist friends and headed back to my cozy cave. As I settled in for the night, I couldn't help but dream of one day traveling to Mars. Imagine all the stress I could feast on there!

But for now, I contented myself with listening to some rock music, tending to my garden of creepy plants, and playing video games on my trusty computer. Life as a vampirix may be strange and absurd, but I wouldn't have it any other way.

Until next time, diary. Stay weird.

Yours humorously,

Vampirix Mootzulea

A distant cousin of Dracula, Mootzulea grew up in the hills of Transylvania, mainly in the area of Sibiu.
He knows a lot of jokes but is very determined into battles. He is passionate about science and has a lot of scientist friends. Therefore, you will have an increased production of scientists. He dreams of going to Mars one day.

This is a real journal page from the fictional Vampirix character Mootzulea