Mary Read`s Journal

Vampirix diary Mary Read

08 Aug 2024

Dear Journal,

Today was a whirlwind of excitement and chaos, just the way I like it. It all started when I woke up to the sound of my pet bat, Count Flapula, screeching in my ear. I groggily stumbled out of bed and made myself a huge bowl of Stress-O's cereal, my favorite breakfast to start the day.

After feeding Count Flapula a blood sucker treat, I decided to hit the mall with my girlfriends for some much-needed retail therapy. We raided every store in sight, trying on ridiculous outfits and laughing until our sides hurt. I ended up buying a sparkly cape that would make Dracula himself jealous, and a pair of fangs that glowed in the dark. Fashion forward, as always.

On our way back home, we got caught in a sudden downpour. Instead of running for cover like normal people, we embraced the rain and danced in the storm. Pina coladas in hand, we sang our hearts out to cheesy 80s ballads and felt like invincible goddesses. Who needs an umbrella when you have a killer attitude and killer moves?

When we finally made it back to my place, we decided to throw an impromptu party. My living room turned into a frenzy of music, laughter, and wild dancing. Count Flapula even joined in, flapping his wings to the beat like a true party animal. I swear, that bat knows how to have a good time.

As the night went on, I found myself surrounded by friends and feeling grateful for the silly, wonderful chaos of my life. I couldn't help but think about how lucky I am to be a vampirix with a penchant for adventure and a flair for the absurd. Who needs normalcy when you can have this kind of fun?

So here's to more rainy dance parties, outrageous fashion choices, and spontaneous shenanigans. Life is too short to be boring, and I am determined to make every moment count. But for now, I think it's time to turn in and rest up for the next wild ride that awaits.

Until next time, stay weird and wonderful, my dear journal.

Yours truly,
Mary Read (the vampirix pirate princess)

Vampirix Mary Read
Mary Read

She took the name of her inspiration, Mary Read, the famous pirate.
She likes Pina Coladas and getting caught in the rain, but leads very serious battles. She has a knack for making money, therefore, your production of money will be increased. Her inspiration, Mary Read, was an English pirate during the Golden Age of Piracy.

This is a real journal page from the fictional Vampirix character Mary Read