Mary Read`s Journal

Vampirix diary Mary Read

27 Oct 2023

Ah, what an extraordinary day! I woke up with a slightly rebellious energy and a mood to do something out of the ordinary. The day seemed to be laid out before me with all sorts of wonderful possibilities.

My phone beeped with a text from my friend, inviting me to grab lunch at a new café. Perfect! I grabbed my favorite dress, which is a royal purple color and flows with a magical grace, and I quickly fixed my natural hair into a half-up braid so I was ready. I took the wine colored motorcycle and drove away into the city.

When I arrived, I didn’t see my friend but this didn’t surprise me. She’s a free spirit and leaves no trace. I decided to wait for her at the café. As I walked past the tables, I noticed a few of them seemed to glow a bit. I made a mental note and continued to the back room where I was welcomed by a tall, bearded man wearing a necklace made of seashells. He showed me the menu and from it I ordered a tall-glass of pina coladas. As I waited for my drink, I couldn't help but feel a crackling energy in the air.

It was then that my friend arrived. I hugged her warmly and we found a comfortable spot to sit in. As we spoke, I couldn’t help but admire her free and confident attitude. She had come from a night of dancing and singing and was surrounded by a very special aura. I was astounded by all the stories she told me about her adventures. I wished that I could live such an extraordinary life too.

After catching up with her, I felt recharged and inspired. I offered to take her to the mall since I was in the mood for some shopping. We left the café and when we got back on my motorcycle I had a very strange feeling—a feeling that something was following us. We drove off and in the rearview mirror I saw a figure in a flowing purple cape…staring at me.

My adventurous spirit made me curious and I deicded to take a risk so I suddenly took a different turn and accelerated towards the rain. We started laughing as we were getting wet. And at that moment, I felt something tickling my skin—it was like invisible drops of romantic magic. I couldn't believe this was really happenening; with my newfound energy I felt invincible!

We made it back home in the end, but I can still feel the mysterious energy around me. It's been a weird and wild day, that's for sure, but one I will never forget.

Vampirix Mary Read
Mary Read

She took the name of her inspiration, Mary Read, the famous pirate.
She likes Pina Coladas and getting caught in the rain, but leads very serious battles. She has a knack for making money, therefore, your production of money will be increased. Her inspiration, Mary Read, was an English pirate during the Golden Age of Piracy.

This is a real journal page from the fictional Vampirix character Mary Read