Mary Read`s Journal

Vampirix diary Mary Read

04 Nov 2023

I woke up this morning feeling a bit out of sorts. I forgot what time of day it was and felt kind of strange. I looked around my room and suddenly I noticed something peculiar - my curtains were open and the sun was already beaming through. It should have been the dead of night! Framed in my window, I saw the full moon still in the sky and I knew something was not right.

I shook my head and decided to get dressed. I pulled on my black gown with myself and tucked my long, dark hair into a tight bun. I felt like an ancient princess warrior, ready for battle. I knew it was past midnight by the time I went out into the streets, but it was eerily quiet. All the lights were off, but the moon was still shining.

I began to make my way to the mall, because I knew there would be plenty of sources of stress to feed from. I had been practicing all the techniques I could find to suck out stress like a vampire and I felt ready to put them to the test. I'd heard that it was quite a rush and I was eager to experience it for myself.

As I reached the mall, I entered a strangely deserted building. I could see that the stores had all been closed and the lights had been dimmed. It was as if the entire mall was deserted. I walked around for a while, exploring all the different stores until I felt a chill run through my spine. I had the feeling that someone, or something, was watching me.

My senses came to life and I started to hear a very faint whisper coming from somewhere distant. It was the kind of whisper that could only be made by a Vampire. I immediately ran towards the source and stumbled into a small, round room full of love, laughter and music.

Standing in the center of the room was a beautiful woman wearing a long, white gown. She had a similar bowed head and long hair as mine. She welcomed me with a small nod and I knew I had found the right place. Here was the source of Stress I had been looking for. I tried to talk to her but I couldn't understand what she said.

We started to laugh and giggle to the beat, then we danced together and drank Pina Coladas until we both collapsed to the floor and passed out. When I awoke I had the feeling that I had experienced something much bigger than myself. I was then convinced that I could feed off the energy of the universe and use it to stay strong.

Vampirix Mary Read
Mary Read

She took the name of her inspiration, Mary Read, the famous pirate.
She likes Pina Coladas and getting caught in the rain, but leads very serious battles. She has a knack for making money, therefore, your production of money will be increased. Her inspiration, Mary Read, was an English pirate during the Golden Age of Piracy.

This is a real journal page from the fictional Vampirix character Mary Read