Mary Read`s Journal

Vampirix diary Mary Read

07 Nov 2023

Today was a strange day. I woke up feeling oddly energized, like I had been given a special burst of strength and power. I spent the morning looking through my closet, and I felt inspired to try something new.

I decided to get dressed up in an exotic costume with a mix of modern and ancient elements. After searching for hours, I was inspired to create a perfect outfit. With a long, dark, velvet dress, a cape with silver trim, an accessory of vampire teeth, and a sparkling pair of jeweled heels, I was ready to head out.

I'm not sure why, but the feeling of being so dressed up and beautiful made me want to explore the city. I moved through the city like a ghost, drawing attention and admiration wherever I went. I stopped at the mall and got stopped later when I stopped at the grocery store. People were intrigued, and I felt like a superstar. Being the center of attention felt so good, and I wanted more.

By the evening, I still had so much energy and I decided to explore the night sky. I flew high above the skyline, watching the lights twinkle and shimmer and absorbing all the energy the night had to offer. I danced in the night air and it was so freeing and magical, like I had no bounds.

When I finally landed, I felt almost sad that the night was over. But my skin was electric and my heart was so alive. I knew this feeling wouldn't last forever, so I made a point to cherish the little pieces of magic I find in life. Until the next time I can explore the night sky again.

Vampirix Mary Read
Mary Read

She took the name of her inspiration, Mary Read, the famous pirate.
She likes Pina Coladas and getting caught in the rain, but leads very serious battles. She has a knack for making money, therefore, your production of money will be increased. Her inspiration, Mary Read, was an English pirate during the Golden Age of Piracy.

This is a real journal page from the fictional Vampirix character Mary Read