Mary Read`s Journal

Vampirix diary Mary Read

10 Nov 2023

Today was an unusual day. I was feeling exceptionally melancholic this morning and decided to treat myself to something special. After flipping through my closet of the latest trends, I put on a tight-fitted dress with a large black cape and a wide-brimmed hat to top it off. I was feeling adventurous and decided to take a small spontaneous trip to the mall.

Once I arrived, I noticed something strange. It seemed as though no one was around, and yet there were no signs of this being a ghost mall. Nonetheless, I felt perfectly content being alone. Shopping around the eerie mall was strangely thrilling. I found myself trying on different garments and trying them on for no particular reason.

After perusing the mall for what felt like an eternity, I developed a small appetite. I had only had energy drinks for breakfast so I thought I'd find an interesting something to nibble on. Of course, what else would a vampire crave besides...Pina Coladas? After discovering a small bar tucked away in the corner of the mall, I decided to indulge in the sweet and creamy treat.

However, the Pina Colada had an unexplainable effect on me. Suddenly, the mall became incredibly alive. There were people everywhere and the mall was filled with energy - conversations, laughter, music - everywhere I looked there was movement. I suddenly felt as if I was in a time warp and stepped into a different dimension, as if I were in a video game. It almost felt like I was in a weird version of The Sims.

As I observed the bustling mall around me, I felt an unfamiliar sensation. The overwhelmed feelings of being surrounded by stress were somehow oddly comforting. It was almost like I was the queen of the mall, everyone was here for me. I quickly grew strangely content with the environment and decided not to give anyone else the satisfaction of experiencing what I was currently. I blended in the crowd, doing my best to not disrupt the peace.

I eventually looked up and noticed that the sky was filled dark clouds, lightning and rain. It almost felt as if we were all in a storm together, although no one was panicking. In that moment I felt overwhelmingly powerful, like an ancient princess warrior.

I laughed at my own irony and finished up my random shopping spree. It was barely noon but I already felt like I had had a full day. As I exited the mall and walked back to my car I hummed an old pirate song, ecstatic with the excitement of having discovered something new.

Vampirix Mary Read
Mary Read

She took the name of her inspiration, Mary Read, the famous pirate.
She likes Pina Coladas and getting caught in the rain, but leads very serious battles. She has a knack for making money, therefore, your production of money will be increased. Her inspiration, Mary Read, was an English pirate during the Golden Age of Piracy.

This is a real journal page from the fictional Vampirix character Mary Read