Mootzulea`s Journal

Vampirix diary Mary Read

23 Nov 2023

One of the joys of being a Mootzulea is the annualPolitics and Planes Festival which should technically be called the “Politicians and Pilots of the Night” Festival as our kind certainly don’t venture into the daylight, nor do we overly care about politics. But it is a special time, nevertheless.

The festival is an occasion of grand proportions, or, as some vampire clans call it, the “Time of the Sun Stayed Away.” This year was even more special since it was to be held on Mars if you could believe it. Sure, there were no commerce centers, no malls, and no other creatures besides ourselves. But the beauty of the rolling dusts, the clearly defined craters, and the out-of-this-world nightscape made it a place just perfect for us.

Tonight, as we opened the festival, it was decided by popular vote, that we would start with a rock concert. After all, it is not every day you get to hear and see an alien rockband! We set up camp near a Martian lake, using our tonzilazers to blast daggeze around the perimeter to create a boundary so we wouldn’t get muddled in the dust.

As the concert began and the aliens pleasantly plucked away at their alien instruments, we got lost in our alien moment. But the real highlight of our night came when our beloved leader, Count Dracula, entered the stage. His tall gait, stately carriage, and elongated speech seemed to mesmerize us to the point that we felt like we could really fly.

We all followed the Count as he lead us into the night sky, to a place that seemed not of this world. He sang, “some say the night flies, but I say, it’s the night that can fly.” His words brought not a tear to my eye but a smile of admiration to my face.

No one noticed the meteor shower as we left the planet and flew through the cosmos, since our attention remained squarely upon our leader. We were proud of him, if for no other reason than that he had helped us discover a new world of adventure and excitement. With a final wave and a nod of his head, the Count directed us home, back to our world.

The night flew but we stayed with it and took with us the memories of a magical Martian night. The time we realized that vampires could be explorers and adventurers, participants in the grand challenges of science and nature, and a people who could say, “Hey, sometimes we’re small,but other times,we are BIG.”

Photo by NG Leader on Unsplash

Vampirix Mootzulea

A distant cousin of Dracula, Mootzulea grew up in the hills of Transylvania, mainly in the area of Sibiu.
He knows a lot of jokes but is very determined into battles. He is passionate about science and has a lot of scientist friends. Therefore, you will have an increased production of scientists. He dreams of going to Mars one day.

This is a real journal page from the fictional Vampirix character Mootzulea