Today was an interesting day, even if it doesn't seem like it. I was busy tinkering in my lab, the tomatoes were charging impressively, I was feeling quite happy with how my performance was turning out. Little did I know something unusual was about to happen.
I was busy in the lab doing some experiments and trying to decipher the complex code of the quantum mechanics when suddenly I heard a loud thud. I rushed to the lab door, not sure what to expect, and was shocked to see one of my scientist friends from the vampire community standing there with a large box under his arm. He seemed to be in a hurry and didn't stop for even a second to chat. All he did was put the box down on the lab floor and say: "Why don't you take a look at this, if you really want to make it to Mars?" Then he quickly disappeared, leaving us there gaping.
I looked inside the mysterious box, not sure what to expect. In there, I saw a strange device that was unlike anything I had ever seen before. It looked kind of like a combustion engine, mixed with a laser and a vacuum. It seemed both familiar and alien at the same time.
I decided to take it apart and figure out what is was. After tinkering for hours, I finally came to the conclusion that it was a time machine which allowed its user to travel to any period in history. Being the scientist that I am, I wanted to test it out to make sure it was working correctly.
Now, being a small type of vampire I don't feed on blood, so naturally I chose to take a trip in the time machine with some of my stress-storing friends. We decided that the best place to test it out was Ancient Egypt, because why not?
Long story short, the time machine worked and the whole experience was a blast from the past. We had a ball rowing down the Nile, exploring the Pyramids, and coming up with the best jokes of the era. We even managed to prank King Tut (transforming his golden sarcophagus into a rubber duck, of course) which was an experience I'll never forget.
On our way home, I realized something important: that a lot of my dreams and aspirations can come true; all I have to do is dare to try and take the plunge. Who knows what will happen, maybe one day I'll be the one to take that one way trip to Mars!
Until next time!
Vampirix out in the hills of Transylvania.
A distant cousin of Dracula, Mootzulea grew up in the hills of Transylvania, mainly in the area of Sibiu.
He knows a lot of jokes but is very determined into battles. He is passionate about science and has a lot of scientist friends. Therefore, you will have an increased production of scientists. He dreams of going to Mars one day.