Today was a particularly interesting day. I woke up in my cozy crypt in the hills of Transylvania with an urge to do something that would give me a good laugh. So I threw on my cape and flew up to the village to see if anything interesting had happened.
On the way there, I discerned a peculiar smell. It was the smell of a fresh batch of stressed humans. I followed it until I stumbled upon a group of playful rascal scientists conducting an experiment. One of them had a machine with many buttons and switches, and they were all taking turns pressing them with their own unique method.
One scientist saw me and yelled; “Monsieur Mootzulea, it’s an honor to have you here! Would you mind helping us with the experiment?”. I nodded happily and went up to the machine. The scientists looked at me expectantly so naturally, I pressed all the buttons as hard as I could; as if I was playing a game of Operation.
The scientists were very pleased. The machine let out a large puff of smoke and inside an old TV set started to play a live concert of rock music by a band from Mars. I was surprised, but the scientists did not show any surprise. They were already aware about this effect! I was amazed.
Afterwards, the scientists and I retired to the pub to discuss politics, computers and cats. In the middle of the conversation, one of the scientists asked me to tell a joke. I obliged with one of my finest puns: “Why don’t vampires ever get a cold? Because they never catch a chill!” The entire pub cracked up and I went to bed with a satisfied feeling.
It was a successful night! Until tomorrow!
A distant cousin of Dracula, Mootzulea grew up in the hills of Transylvania, mainly in the area of Sibiu.
He knows a lot of jokes but is very determined into battles. He is passionate about science and has a lot of scientist friends. Therefore, you will have an increased production of scientists. He dreams of going to Mars one day.