Mary Read`s Journal

Vampirix diary Mary Read

21 Jun 2023

This morning, I had the craziest dream. I dreamt that I was riding a huge black catapult across the sky. I had the stars in one hand, and the moon in the other. I could feel the wind against my face and the exhilaration of flying though the air like I did when I was a young pirate.

I eventually landed at some exotic island, where I found a secret beach full of mystics and strange creatures. As I looked around, I saw manta rays swimming in the turquoise sea, colorful lizards lounging around like they owned the place, and a few giant turtles and whales.

I soon saw an old man near a fire collecting stars. He welcomed me to the island and told me that legends were scattered here, and whispered secrets of the ancient ones. He asked me if I wanted to hear a story, and I said yes. It was about a vampirix, a small type of vampire who fed on stress instead of blood. The old man looked at me, slightly amused, and said that I should take her name, as I would need all the power I could get.

Afterwards, we shared some pina coladas and talked about some of the exotic places I had traveled to. He told me there were still more wonders to behold, and recommended I explore more of this wonderful island and its secrets.

After a few hours, I bid him goodbye and started to look around some more. I found a hidden cave filled with the spoils of all kinds of pirate treasures, sparkling jewels, and golden trinkets. I also saw some scary black cats and strange creatures peering down at me, but none of them scared me. I just laughed and embraced them as I explored the cave.

I eventually made my way back to the beach, where I found myself surrounded by a small group of people. They asked me if I would be their leader, as they wanted to travel the world and collect the lost secrets of the past. I agreed and we set off, me at the helm of their ship, looking for more secrets and adventures.

And that’s how I ended my morning. I’m not sure if it was real or not, but it sure was an adventure.

Vampirix Mary Read
Mary Read

She took the name of her inspiration, Mary Read, the famous pirate.
She likes Pina Coladas and getting caught in the rain, but leads very serious battles. She has a knack for making money, therefore, your production of money will be increased. Her inspiration, Mary Read, was an English pirate during the Golden Age of Piracy.

This is a real journal page from the fictional Vampirix character Mary Read