Mary Read`s Journal

Vampirix diary Mary Read

28 Sep 2023

I woke up this morning like any other day - still feeling a bit drowsy from the previous night. To be honest, I can never get enough sleep, no matter how much I try to.

I had spent the night eating, drinking and partying with some of my closest girlfriends, and I wouldn’t want the night to ever end. It was so much fun, and of course in our usual style- we talked, we sang, and we laughed out loud until the very end.

Anyways, I got out of bed, threw on my favourite neon green jeans, and decided to take it to the streets. To be honest, I just love taking a walk at night. Everything’s so quiet- and I can hear the breeze softly brushing against the leaves of the trees.

I noticed a familiar figure walking towards me. I felt a bit taken aback, but I knew it was just the sign of the times. It was indeed, Dracula, out on one of his night wanders. We had known each other for quite some time, and although our friendship had gone through a few ups and downs, I still felt a connection that could never be broken. We exchanged a few goodbyes, but I have to admit that he caused me quite a bit of stress. I’m a vampire, after all.

Without warning, an unexpected visit to the nearest mall came to my mind- this time alone. I had my reasons for wanting to go but it wasn’t my initial plan. It was also another way of relieving stress, you know- splurging on all the very latest fashion trends.

Once out and about, I roamed around each corner, checking out every boutique and store. But truth be told, it was all simply too much for me. I just couldn’t make up my mind, no matter how hard I tried. I do enjoy shopping but I think I had my own limits this time around.

And as I made my way back home, I realised it was already daybreak. I felt a sudden rush of awe as I stared at the sun offering its blessing upon us all. It was moments like these that made me feel like an ancient princess warrior.

Finally I was back home in my bed, where I felt a sense of peace and relaxation- something I was desperately in need of. I’d had such a sweet night, from Dracula to the mall, and I’d never forget it.

Vampirix Mary Read
Mary Read

She took the name of her inspiration, Mary Read, the famous pirate.
She likes Pina Coladas and getting caught in the rain, but leads very serious battles. She has a knack for making money, therefore, your production of money will be increased. Her inspiration, Mary Read, was an English pirate during the Golden Age of Piracy.

This is a real journal page from the fictional Vampirix character Mary Read