Mary Read`s Journal

Vampirix diary Mary Read

25 Nov 2023

Not all days are party days; some of them are just about trying to survive and make it through the night. Today was one of them.

I left my room pushing between two cats who followed me. I walked down the stairs ready to face the real world.

Today was a bit harder than usual. I was feeling a strange sensation of emptiness, a sensation that crept over me like fog. My first stop was the mall, the mall and the tiny shops that surrounded it.

I entered the mall small and unassuming, I was surrounded by people and noise. Everywhere I looked I could feel the eyes of the shopkeepers and the customers sizing me up. It didn't bother me though, I was used to it.

I stopped by the mall’s music store to pick up a new album. It's funny how music sometimes speaks to me better than people. I've been known to become so lost in the music that I forget the world around me.

As I walked around I couldn't help but notice how all of these people had troubles of their own. It was like a buffet of different kinds of stress that I could feed off of. It feels strange to feed off of other people's pain but it's how I keep myself alive.

After the mall I decided to fly over the city. It's one of the few things that make me feel truly alive. To feel the wind rush past me, to feel completely free and unencumbered.

I flew past buildings and street lights and for a moment I could forget everything around me. I could just disappear into the night sky and dream of being eternally happy.

As I flew I noticed the street lights reflecting off the glass like thousands of stars. After a few minutes I started to feel a bit more alive.

I turned around and headed home, my heart and mind already a bit lighter after this therapeutic outing. As I climbed into bed I had one final thought: life is strange, but it's the strangeness that makes life worth living.

Vampirix Mary Read
Mary Read

She took the name of her inspiration, Mary Read, the famous pirate.
She likes Pina Coladas and getting caught in the rain, but leads very serious battles. She has a knack for making money, therefore, your production of money will be increased. Her inspiration, Mary Read, was an English pirate during the Golden Age of Piracy.

This is a real journal page from the fictional Vampirix character Mary Read