"Well, today has been one of those days I'm sure I will remember for quite some time. The first thing that happened was a chemistry accident. As I was searching for a new way to generate anti-stress molecules I thankfully had the good sense to wear protective goggles since I ended up causing an explosion that left me with a delightful mohawk. A mohawk made out of powdered chemical residue, of course.
Next was the rock concert. I've developed a bit of a taste for rock music lately and my friends and I decided to take a ride out into the hills around Transylvania. The scenery was lovely but the music went from mellow to blasting without warning, which wasn't the best. I found myself jumping around in the mosh pit trying to avoid the flying sweat.
Afterwards, I decided to check up on my cat, who I suspected was about to hatch a batch of kittens. I've been experimenting with seascape sculptures lately, and I decided to make her a special underwater perch. I used a few rocks from the show and the music as inspiration to hone the shape and I'm pleased with the result.
When I got back home, I was really feeling my need for stress relief and decided to take a night flight. The stars were so pretty and I could almost imagine they were guiding me on my way. I zipped through the night air on my broom trying to keep up with the stars.
Finally, after I knew I had gone too far and too long, I landed in a field surrounded by a flock of sheep. They took one look at me and started to jeer and joke, baaaaah-ing all the while. I figured they had a sense of humour and, as soon as I opened my mouth to respond, a joke burst forth. The conversation went on for some time until I finally ran out of puns.
That's pretty much how my day went but there is nothing so great about being a vampire than getting to go to bed early. I no longer worry about missing the sunrise or missing out on the evening's entertainment. Tonight I can just drift off into my dreams and see what the Martians have in store for me."
A distant cousin of Dracula, Mootzulea grew up in the hills of Transylvania, mainly in the area of Sibiu.
He knows a lot of jokes but is very determined into battles. He is passionate about science and has a lot of scientist friends. Therefore, you will have an increased production of scientists. He dreams of going to Mars one day.