Mary Read`s Journal

Vampirix diary Mary Read

25 Sep 2023

I woke up with an odd feeling of unease this morning, though I could not put my finger on why. I felt drawn to the sunlight, yet something deep down told me not to go out. I sat up in my bed and looked around, taking in the sight of my beloved home - the small cramped room with the hint of moldy air and mustiness. I can still remember the day I bought it - the sheer pleasure and excitement of having a place of my own and no one to answer to. That feeling still resonates after all these years.

As I gazed out the window, a flock of crows flew by, almost as if they were beckoning me to follow them. There was something strange and unfamiliar about the scene, yet I did not follow the birds. Instead, I thought about the night ahead of me and the promise of adventure and mischief that it held.

Where shall I go tonight? I wondered. I had heard of an exquisite ball that was being thrown, and I made up my mind to go. I quickly dressed in my favourite garments - a ruby red dress that accentuated my figure and a shawl of shimmering moonlight. As I preened myself in the mirror, I felt the thrill of the night rising up within me.

I soon left my home and found myself wandering the city streets. Everywhere I went, I felt the stares of people, almost as if they were looking at a myth come to life. I smiled back at them, knowing I was quite different from anyone they had ever seen before. I could feel it in the air.

Finally, I arrived at the ball that I had heard so much about, and it was everything I had imagined. Everywhere I looked, people were lavishly adorned and drinking champagne with laughter and music playing in the background. There, I found my friends, and we laughed and enjoyed our time together, exchanging stories of our latest adventures and dancing until the stars disappeared.

After this amazing evening, I returned home, content and fulfilled. The city lights faded in the distance, and I smiled, feeling certain that everything will be alright. I paused for a moment to take in the beauty of the night and then, I disappeared into the shadows.

Vampirix Mary Read
Mary Read

She took the name of her inspiration, Mary Read, the famous pirate.
She likes Pina Coladas and getting caught in the rain, but leads very serious battles. She has a knack for making money, therefore, your production of money will be increased. Her inspiration, Mary Read, was an English pirate during the Golden Age of Piracy.

This is a real journal page from the fictional Vampirix character Mary Read